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Hand drawn type I did for a project, this isn't the final but you can see some type work I do for our clients! Yay being able to write well!

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Free V-Day Printable

I made this quickly for my boyfriend, since we go sailing, biking, hiking, and beaching together. The line "You & Me, Land and Sea." seemed appropriate. I did all the type by hand and scanned it into Photoshop and colored it. Not my best work, but still fun!

Sorry it was rushed, but if you like it you can download and print it here and fold it up for your land & sea loving valentine.

(ps: sorry for the crappy iphone picture) Below is a little video on how to fold the card... but I'm sure you are smart enough to fold up a card!

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My design life

So one thing that I've been working on yet obviously not yet succeeding in is revamping my art website (laurenmoyer.com) and this blog, moving it to sparrowandurchin.com. But between work, freelance work, my pooch and friends... and my 5 year old laptop things are a slow go. But I'm excited to be getting a brand new iMac in the mail soonish!! And hopefully it will force me to sit on my butt and get lotsa work done! I'm so excited. I have the total layout of my new blog laid out including a better design and painting section, travel section, doggy section, diy, clothes & sewing (my first love), and life. I have SO MANY projects to upload and photograph, including wedding invites, websites, packaging and bags! I really need to get on it! My goal this year is to grow my freelance and print shop and learn learn learn!!

So here's some eye candy that will be sittin gon my desk soon which I can't wait to makeout with...

Happy Valentines Day

Also to see just a little design work of mine, and to stay updated with my crap check out my behance account, http://www.behance.net/laurenmoyer
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February Sailing

I am very lucky to have my friends own a sailboat, and be able to go on adventures with them. The unlucky thing for me is that the Bay scares the shit out of me. Makes no sense, I come from a family of sailors... why am I so scared of sailing. It's the lean of the boat and the coldness of the bay... I think if it was warm I wouldn't be so afraid of the water, but the bay is freezing all year 'round and it scares me.

So my boyfriend informed me the best time to go sailing is in the winter since the wind is so light. Saturday we all packed up and sailed to Angel Island, a state park by Tiberon. It is true the wind is much lighter during the winter but I still eeeked, winced, and whined when we leaned far and tacked. But I did it! I didn't freak out, I just looked at the horizon and how beautiful it all was. And I'm so happy I went, I hadn't yet been to Angel Island and it truly is kinda Jurassic Park-esque. We got there around dusk which is the most beautiful time of day and walked around the island at night exploring all the abandoned buildings before heading back to the east bay under the stars. We had to motor most of the way back cause there was no wind and the water was like glass.

It was an amazing day/evening and wanted to share it with you. The boys of course go sailing all the time, but I usually go do my own thing and not tag along as much anymore cause I don't want to be a buzz kill. But maybe I need to try to go at least once a month... Also here are a couple videos I took with the new app Vine :) you can follow me on that under Moyer the Destroyer

The next day on sunday we then all headed into the city for the Superbowl, and although the 49ers didn't win it was a good game :)