My Gallery pt.3

Part 3 on my gallery! This is the room towards the front where I sit. Sorry about some of the weirdness in the clone photo, I tried making a panoramic too, which turned out to be a little difficult. But I like the result. I actually feel like this outfit is one that make me actually look my age or an adult. NO! haha

Look at me! I'm all over the place getting the job done!

|| Top, Necklace, & Belt - F21 || Skirt - American Eagle ||
|| Heels - Vintage via Lost & Found in Royal Oak ||

Pretty roses from out Presentation earlier on in the week

Sorry for the armpit shot!

Also inspired by Jessica from What I Wore posting what she was wearing last year here's something from begining of August last year
This was taken on the way back to Anchorage after a day of abandoned building exploration in Whittier with my besty Ashley. She is the one that has taken the best headshots of me ever. She's an amazing photographer. This outfit proved to be my Alaskan job uniform, I worked at a fruit vendor on the street and so I needed comfy weatherproof shoes, a versitile jacket to go over whatever layers I needed that day (from the chilly in the morning to the heat in the afternoon) and comfy jeans that could get dirty. And man look at my hair... I miss you! haha


Sara | July 13, 2010 at 9:17 AM

MAN I so want to be in that pic with you! Look how pretty! ugh. One Day Dammit.

I love the colors here, I really like mixing tones of red and brown, I think they balance each other well.

See you later today :D

tess | July 13, 2010 at 12:44 PM

I love how much red you wear!

A girl has no name | July 13, 2010 at 7:00 PM

So let me get this work you take pictures of yourself all day? Can we trade jobs so that I can look good and take pictures and you can where a visor and make sandwiches?

You a purdy gurl!

Anonymous | July 13, 2010 at 7:56 PM

great post! thanks for sharing - loved the images you used :)

Sea Bird | July 14, 2010 at 11:55 AM

These gallery pictures are so much fun! I really like your new banner/title photo too! So cute.

fashionjunkie | July 14, 2010 at 2:17 PM

Love these pictures - your blouse is so pretty! The picture in front of the water is beautiful, such gorgeous scenery!

Unknown | July 14, 2010 at 2:19 PM

Haha, clever clone shot, I like it! And don't worry, you don't look *too* grown up. Pretty ring, by the way. Haha, sorry, this comment is all over the place, kind of like you were at your gallery!

Unknown | July 16, 2010 at 8:00 AM

Okay so I don't say this a lot but, I like you. We should be blog friends. Are you on twitter or gchat? How can I get a hold of you NOT on your blog (or etsy)?


LoveCharlesVintage | July 18, 2010 at 8:03 PM

Wow, your gallery and style are both so fantastic! I love love love that belt.
And edward sharpe is one of my current favorites as well. I'm going to see them on the 4th! So ridiculously excited.