05 March 2011

Doggy Daycare

So I'm bit behind on days... Oh well. That's what scheduling posts is for! So this little slice of life has nothing to with this outfit but I'd love your opinion.

When kevin and I are at work our dog stays at home, which I know isn't the best, when we first got him I worked part time and opposite of Kevin, so I had lot's of pup time. And with winter and Tripp being so small and skinny he isn't in the yard as much or going on long walks. So last Sunday Kevin and I had a lot of wedding errands to run (got him a suit from Banana Republic, it's gorg, and did more registry stuff) So we felt bad for leaving the dog at home. So what did we do? Took him to doggy day care at Petsmart near the mall. I know I know, kinda lame. But he was so worn out when we picked him up at the end of the day and the workers said he played with a lot of dogs. They even give you a report card on how well your dog did that day. Tripp was sooo tuckered out that he fell asleep in the car, and we were able to get a lot done around the house the rest of the evening.

Now onto Friday. I knew that Kevin and I were going to go to an art opening in Romeo Friday night so I thought while I was at work I'd drop him back off at Petsmart (which is really near my job). I just didn't like leaving my dog alone all day then also in the evening, not to mention that he would be a total pain when we got home.

So my question is am I ridiculous? I mean the day care thing isn't too expensive for something once in awhile. But I also don't want to be one of those people who replace children with dogs. I'm my dog's owner, caregiver and companion, I'm not his mother, my parents aren't his grandparents. We are companions, friends, and I love and care for him. Kevin feels like we are being responsible pet owners, understanding that it's wrong to leave a social animal alone all day, and also realizing that interaction is necessary in our dog's life and something we strive for. I've always been very conscious about treating animals fairly and as part of the family. My parents kinda chuckled when I told them about his day care experience, and told me I was a little ridic. My mom laughed saying I need to start dressing my dog, of course jokingly, she secretly wants my dog. I grew up with dogs but they never got as much special treatment as my own dog. But then again they were never alone for long hours.

Anyway what do you think? Ridiculous or Responsible?

And for all my new readers, first welcome, and this is my dog... cute! He obviously didn't want to leave his pup tent :D

Now for the outfit... I flubbed on the 30x30... I can't find this cardigan, so I replaced it with another grey cardigan... Please don't hate! :)

{ 30x30 Materials Used }

Grey Sweater } Gift (similar worn day 1)
Green Sweater Vest } very old (worn day 8)
Mint Dress } Vintage (worn day 4, 14)
Grey Booties } UO, on sale (worn day 1, 7,  14, 16)
Pink Belt } Vintage (will prob sell)
Tights } Kohls (super old and holey)
Necklace } F21



  1. He's adorable:)
    I don't think your doggy day care adventures are ridiculous at all. I have two dogs. We got the second one partially because my first dog Max had to be alone alot because we're busy people. It's great that your doggy is getting to play with other animals :)
    p.s. and i'm loving the colors going on in your outfit.

  2. Your outfit is so lovely, adore the shape of that skirt and that belt is gorg. As for doggy day care, totally cool, we take our dog to one. It's such a great way for them to work off their energy & stay social. AND your doggy is so FREAKIN' CUTE. Hope your having a fantastic weekend. xx veronika

  3. I love the minty green skirt, especially combined with the pink tights! One of my all time favourite colour combinations...

  4. It sounds so sad to leave your dog alone for so long! I don't see any harm in doggy day care..he gets to have fun with other dogs and not tear up the house (if he does that :P), and you don't really have to worry about him either. I say keep it up! :)

  5. I'm not a dog owner, so really should not comment, although dogs who are left alone too often do develop neurotic habits.

  6. I like the idea of doggy daycare! would be better it if were cheaper though xx

  7. I think if it were just called "dog-sitting" it would be less weird and parent-like, so don't let that get you down.

    I agree that you can't have a social animal and leave it alone for that long (at least not without a buddy) so I think you're just being a responsible pet owner, really!

  8. This is such a great look. I really love the mint colored skirt and fun tights. And your dog is absolutely adorable! I think you're being responsible. It's hard when you have only one dog and its left alone all day, so I stick by that, you're being responsible, not ridiculous!! :)

  9. You look so chic and eclectic... like a model out of an Anthropologie catalog.

  10. You look so chic and eclectic... like a model out of an Anthropologie catalog.

  11. Nope, I think it's a great idea! Now if we can claim the little guys on our taxes that would be great! Love this outfit, the neutral color mix is great. Love the mint skirt and those tights!!


  12. a girl I went to high school with is obsessed with making her dogs clothing. She takes baby clothes and fixes them to suit her dogs. She enters them in a lot of costume contests and they win constantly. haha.

  13. The skirt! That's incredibly cute :)



Hey thanks for commenting!! I really love hearing what you think!
