03 January 2015

Life: 2014 Favorites & 2015 Goals

2015 Goals

Well let's start with the goals... well my 30 before 30 covers most all of my big goals, but other than that I want to grow more of my own food, and cut out as much food with preservatives as possible as told to me by my doc.
What else... hmmm, actually get up and dress nice for work, my work is alright with jeans and hoodies but that doesn't make me feel good about myself, so let's get dressed nicer again!
- Walk my dog more, duh.
- Finish projects.
- And this song "Thirteen" by Big Star is more inspiration for the 2015; lovely, simple and oh so heartfelt.

2014 Favorites

Lets just do something real simple... a top ten list.

10. Managed some great projects at work
9. Went to my 10 year high school reunion.
8. Grew an edible garden.
7. Furnished my flat with mainly thrift store or free antiques.
6. Started really giving into my old nerdiness, um hello Anime Conventions, maker fairs, comics, and toys.
5. Went on a few big & mini roadtrips and camped; Steep cliff ravine, Tahoe, Henry Coe State Park, Big Basin, Pebble Beach/Carmel, Portland/Southern Oregon.
4. Went home to Ohio twice.
3. Allyson and Brandon visited.
2. Went to Philly and TURKS & CAICOS.

And drumroll please... number 1 is...
1. Lived through a pretty good year.

Hope your year was great, and I'm sure 2015 will be even better. Happy New Year!


  1. DUDE THIS SONG IS EVERYTHING. I am not even going to be ashamed to admit that I discovered it via the Gilmore Girls soundtrack. Nope! Too great of a song! I am trying to dress up more for work too, I just bought a crapload of trousers for $1 each at SA and even wore lippy today! 2015, BRING IT.

  2. Yeah, there's a documentary about the band on netflix right now, it's so good and so heart breaking. All the music that they made is so good, and it's sad cause it was so short lived and they didn't get the recognition for it until years later when one was guy was already dead :(

    I've been planning my outfits :) Now if only I could remember makeup.

  3. Big Star is a band that should be liked by more people, I think. Beautiful. Oh man. I haven't gone to an anime convention since Anime Boston 2005. I'm so out of it. . .I mean I even went to one on the first night and day of my honeymoon in 2004...I don't even know what anime is out these days or if I'd like it.
    You had a great 2014 from what I can see!


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