24 April 2015

Life: What's up?

So what's up with you? My life has just been puting along. My 30 before 30 goals are still going strong.

1. Go to Europe- Instead of my goal going to Europe we decided to go to Alaska to visit family and explore a bunch. I still need to go to Europe soon hopefully.

2. Get Invisalign: Got a good deal through my old dentist but unfortunately tax season (having worked as a contractor) derailed me but I think I'm still on track for the end of the year.

3. Double my savings: Saving every paycheck!

4. Build another plant box: I haven't built a third planter box but my green thumb has been going crazy, we have so many peaches coming in, and I'm growing a potato bucket which has been doing well.

5. Go to Yosemite: Mike and I have a reservation to camp in Yosemite, and I'm taking my mom there too.

6. Row 3x a week and get on the water: I row twice a week and will bump it up to three times once my race is over, my arms are getting quite muscle-y. I've also got all the info to join the rowing club on Lake Merritt near my house!

7. Paint 6 paintings: I'm slow to start on this

8. Submit to a gallery: I need paintings to do this :(

9. Sew a complete outfit: I have the fabric and patterns!

10. Reupholster my awesome chair: I am reupholstering a smaller chair first!

11. Go skiing again in the Sierras (not on the smallest bunny hill): I don't think I'll be going skiing this year with the drought and all, but I'm ok with missing that goal. It's crazy how dry it's been here.

12. Take an art class: I start a still life painting class next month which is major cause I hate still life painting. I think then I'm signing up for a wheel throwing class then :)

13. Learn to cure meats: I'll get there.

14. Go to Mt. Shasta: In the plans!

15. Expand my illustration business: Not sure where to start here.

16. Go back country camping: I've talked to a few friends and I think there will be something!

17. Learn to do a handstand: Luckily my circus training coworker said she'd help me!

18. Run a half marathon: I run a 10k through the Avenue of the Giants in Redwood next weekend, it's no half marathon but it's a start of course with one of the most beautiful runs in the US.

19. Get another tattoo: Trying to book with my favorite artists now!

20. Go to Alcatraz: still lame and haven't gone

21. Learn to really ride a motorcycle: Dad's in town, sooooo....

22. Record a song: Mike started writing a song for us!

23. Bike part of the Bay Trail: Although I bike to work everyday I have not done this.

24. Hike at least twice a month: I've gotten like three hikes in, soooo not succeeding.

25. Have another craft party: I haven't hosted a craft party but I've gone to many already! My friend stephanie has now hosted two shibori dyeing parties which have been amazing!

26. Learn Archery: I think we're going next month!

27. Explore the Bay area more: Although we haven't done this extensively I am getting to know more of my neighbors and exploring my neighborhood a lot more.

28. Make Wine: Wine stomping starts in August and I've already got a group of friends interested in getting a group reservation.

29. Go Kayaking: Kayaking we plan on kayaking and camping in Kenai Fjords in AK.

30. BE HAPPY! The past few months have been up and down. I'm really proud of the work I'm doing for Weather Underground, I did a round of the Whole 30 and lost 15lbs, my best friend Jen visited me and we had a staycation in SF (more on that later), At work we launch this awesome poster campaign, Tripp is doing training again and doing well, my dad fixed my kitchen light and is visiting, Mike's sister visited, I managed our Earth Day project and did artwork for it (I'm going to share some later), I got Mike to watch anime with me... So I think things are going pretty well.

On that last note here is the song that's been inspiring me and making me the most happiest.

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