26 February 2011

Braided Helmet

So this hair is my interpretation of Erin Fetherstons Fall2011 model look. I like it, but after doing it for the first time I see things I'd change. Like right now it kinda feels like a helmet. I think I should've back combed my hair a bit before I did it. But if you'd like to try it, it's an upside down french braid (you braid the hair under instead of over). You start by finding a point at the back of your head and brushing hair out from there. Then you start your braid behind one ear braiding around your forehead. You only take hair from the inside and not on the side around your face. You continue and finish the french braid behind you other ear. Then finish the braid. Then take the finished braid and wrap it around the back of your head and pin it...

Do I need to make a video?

Also this is the skirt I made wednesday night (which I promised at the beginning of this remix!). I love it! It has pockets! I did initially make it too big but I took out some pleats and made it smaller. I didn't use a pattern (I hate patterns!) so I just winged it. It has box pleats and that little decorative hem thinger. And I love the fabric I used for the waist band... Oh and since I made it smaller I had to redo the zipper. Thankfully I found the zipper foot to my machine which made it sooo much easier! Yay!

Anyway, so what do you think about my hair? Like or not for my face shape? It looked good and awkward at the same time... Maybe should've worn more makeup to bring out my eyes. And this hairstyle is making me miss my bangs... But I've had them for now 7 years... time for change. Must resist the urge to cut them!

{ 30x30 Materials Used }

Button Up } F21 (worn day 2, & 11)
Handmade Skirt } By Me! (worn today, first day!)
Brown Boots } Vintage, found (worn day 2, 3, 11, & 17)
Belt } Vintage, mom's
Tights } Kohls



  1. I think it looks amazing. your hair is very lovely this way. reminds me of Princess Leia's hair when they were on Endor! I know you'll know what I mean by that. . .the only difference of course is that yours is more fully around your head.

    I love this skirt. gorgeous outfit lady!!!

  2. I absolutely LOVE it, I think it really suits you but I would like to see it when you make the changes you mentioned :) That skirt turned out soo great, well done Lauren. You are making me want to learn to sew..

    happy Saturday lovely

  3. I have loved the last two hairdos and would especially like to see a tutorial!

  4. that skirt is FANtastic! love the pattern.

    also great meeting you! Hope the drive back was ok.


  5. I sooo wish I could do this (or anything really) with my hair. And I also really like this outfit. I'm a bit of a gingham nut, and also a fan of shirts buttoned to the top, paired with pretty skirts...so this is pretty much perfect!

  6. Awesome braids and skirt. I can't believe you made the skirt without a pattern. This is one of my favorite 30x30 looks.

  7. I love the hair!! You should totally do a video :D
    The skirt turned out so well! It looks great with the blue top, and I loooove that you made it without a pattern! I hope I get "good" enough at sewing to be able to do that someday :D
    M xo

  8. I love everything about this. Your hair looks incredible -- how did you DO it?? And that skirt is so great, make me one! :P

  9. A video would be great. I can't French braid normally to save my life.

  10. so cute, love this look! and your hair= amazing! ^,^

  11. I wish I could french braid my own hair! And your skirt is beautiful!

  12. I'm in love with this outfit! The pieces work so well together. Your hair is incredible. You did that yourself?!


Hey thanks for commenting!! I really love hearing what you think!
