31 October 2011

Happy Halloweiner!

Well this halloween weekend was a lot of fun even though it wasn't filled with much ghoulish activities. Friday I went to a Halloween party but the night before had no clue what to wear. Luckily I with the help of a roommate I was able to throw this costume together, Alice in Wonderland!

concept art for Disney's Alice in Wonderland by Mary Blair

Of course being bored I decided to curl my hair, unfortunately the curls fell out after a couple hours, why do my hairs not like curling?! I hemmed this dress that I got before moving, I think the length is much better. And I also ended up looking 12. I'm such a baby.


The party was pretty fun, lot's of great costumes! There was sexy male Princess Leia who was very good at dancing, Weekend at Bernie's complete with dragging Bernie around and getting him to dance to the treasure, Scooby-Doo, sexy green eggs and ham, Enzo/Matrix from Reboot, and lots and lots of pirates!


The rest of the weekend was filled with puppy walking, private concert going, and playing Settlers of Catan with the boys... More on that later.


{ dress - vintage }{ blouse - urban outfitters }{ apron - roommate's }{ necklace - target }{ flats - target }


  1. Adorable costume, you look so cute as Alice!

  2. Sexy green eggs & ham? I would've loved to see that...or not. Black Swan/White Swan was a really popular costume out in the UK. My favorite was a variation of that, ostrich! Wear a black tutu and carry around a mask that looks like an ostrich head. haha

    I love your dress, you're an elegant Alice!

    Congrats on the new job by the way. Glad you're getting settled out in Oakland. I know this move is scary sometimes and it probably should be because that's such a major life change to just pick up and move across the country. Yet, if that's what you need to do to be happy then power to you for realizing it and having gumption to actually do it. So many of us speculate about the what if and then never change, but you dared to dream and act on it and that makes you one of the most inspiring and amazing women I "know." I'm really proud of you and your perseverance and ability to pick up the pieces and put yourself back together. It's great that you're so proactive in your new environment, but that's the way to make it work and make it feel like home. So many people just expect things to happen to them when they find themselves in new situations and places, but I appreciate how you're involved. You're going to build yet another great life for yourself, just as good, if not better, than your past few and it will be all your own. You're a real self-made woman. I appreciate being able to follow your journey because I know I will be in a similar spot at the end of this year when I graduate and move to a place I won't know well either.

  3. Wow! Your costume is so perfect I can't believe you were able to put it together at the last minute! Your party looks like so much fun...and so different than the one I went to. Mine had babies. You can imagine how exciting a party can be when there are babies involved. There is a limit.

  4. you look adorable. and your hair is flawwwlessss.

    despite the fact that they 'fell out'. i see no such thing.

  5. Oh, you look lovely as Alice :) Lewis Carroll was from my town, and we often used to go out with Mad Hatter's Tea Party as the theme. Although, I was the white rabbit, so not too pretty! I have curly hair, and whenever I straighten it, it only lasts for about 5 minutes before the curls take over!

    You look great, and I'm so glad you had fun!
    Amy xxxx


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