26 February 2014

Travel: Steep Cliff Ravine pt 1

About a year ago Mike, Adam, Brit and I got up very early to go to some natural hot springs along the coast... It was what I'll say an interesting experience, but the real take away I had from it was peering down the beach at these little cabins on the shore hundreds of feet below the road sitting right above the water. They were the steep cliff cabins, part of Mt Tam State Park, that were built in the 30's and getting reservations there seemed impossible. Enter a month ago when one of my new coworkers casually said, do you know anyone that would want my steep cliff cabin reservation... UM YES ME!!! So I bought the reservation from her and Mike and I decided to call the weekend outing an early 2nd anniversary... Wait I can't believe we've been dating for that long.

One day was a bit rainy which was beautiful. Each cabin (there are only 10) has an incredible view and hug windows in every room and a little wood stove to heat the place up. These are bare cabins so no water, no bed (there a platform to sleep on), no luxuries except a table, bench and stove. But with the view that's all you need.

The first day we got there late in the evening but it was super quick getting set up in the cabin. They were a lot bigger then we thought, they can sleep up to 5 and have two bedrooms and a bed platform in the living space. One thing you definitely need to bring are curtains or sheets to hang in the windows, they're huge and don't offer too much privacy at night. But it's cool the cabins have curtain rods to hang you fabric. The next day after walking around in the sprinkling rain. Then we went into the small town down the road during the day and bought provisions, and made hamburgers on the little wood stove.

We spent the whole weekend cozying up in the cabin or going on walks on the beach (I know so cheesy), and walking around the paths. Unfortunately Mike had hurt his foot so we couldn't go on any extreme hikes. But on sunday he hid his pain and we walked to a little waterfall on Mt. Tam. I will someday hike to the vista point but that'll be another time.

If you ever are in the bay area or planning look these place up... But the are near impossible to get a reservation, you can only get one 6 months in advance on the 1st day of the month starting at 9am... See near impossible. I'm so grateful that my coworker sold me her reservation and we were able to experience a beautiful magical weekend.

We also watched the Hobbit while there... seemed fitting to be cozied up in a cabin in a place that is as magical as Middle-Earth.

The next day we hiked and drove around Mt. Tamalpais... More on that later!


  1. LOL! Poor Tripp! It is also funny because poop. Also, also, sometimes when I get coffee to go, the barista at Great Lakes will put "The Doctor".

  2. I am totes jelly of this! Kyle and I were going to rent a cabin the last weekend of December for our xmas gift for ourselves, but it obvs never happened. This place looks incredible! I love hiking too, I think I would love to stay here! Gwah! So pretty!


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