07 September 2013

Hey Strangers!!!

 So.... You know it's been sometime since we last spoke, but I've been busy with life, you know! Since we last talked, I've wine to Ohio over Memorial Day for a quick trip, we went camping and tubing in Sonoma, been hanging out with an old CCS colleague and her doggy, more Michigan people moved here, Mike and I went to Philadelphia, the Jersey shore, and sailing on the Chesapeake bay, and as I type I'm sitting back in Ohio visiting family because unfortunately my Grandfather passed suddenly. I plan on discussing all this on this here blog, because there's been amazing trips, and my grandfather had some of the most wonderful 91 years anyone could wish for. To read a beautiful dedication to my gpa please head over to my sister's blog here, http://dayinthelifeofam.blogspot.com/. But I wanted to stop in and tell you about some changes here on the blog.

I know I've said this before, but I really plan on keeping this up. I've just updated my portfolio site (but still have so much more to update!!) go check it out and see some of the stuff I do for work (http://www.laurenmoyer.com) I'm also starting to do pet portraits again! Mainly to help go towards a moving fund for me, I just found out my landlord is selling the house I'm in (not good) but maybe I'll find my dream apartment (maybe good!). So tell one and all and go to laurenmoyer.etsy.com!

Now this website is going to incorporate my art and life more so, kinda like my old art blog, http://laurenmoyer.blogspot.com/. I've thought about changing the name away from Sparrow & Urchin, but for now it'll stay, it still feels like me, I'm sometimes a happy little sparrow and sometimes I feel like a little street urchin, a lone kid in a new city and life.

Anyway, how are all of you few followers I still have? I wanna here about your lives! Email or comment or whatever!

Missed you all,

Pictures from Jersey shore and sailing on the Chesapeake.

1 comment:

  1. You were in Jersey and didn't come meet me? Gah! How sad!


Hey thanks for commenting!! I really love hearing what you think!
