29 June 2013

Ladies Craft Night: DIY Terrariums!

A couple weeks ago I hosted a Ladies Craft Night at my house, and this time we made our own Terrariums!! It was so much fun! Look at everyone's terrariums!!! And I think everyone had a blast. My roommates invited some of their friends, friends of mine from work and college came over, and we all just ate yummy food and made little worlds! I suggest everyone do this with all their lady friends.

A couple weeks before the party I sent out email invites for the party, I asked everyone to bring their own containers and $5 and I would provide the rest. I went to Home Depot and bought tons of succulents, cactus soil, activated charcoal. At Michaels I got some rocks and decorative moss, which my mom   told be if you spritz it with water it starts growing again! Of course I got some little people to grace everyone's terrariums!

For the party's work space I set up our deck area as the creation center for the plant mania, for more light I set up some lamps on the tables which gave the backyard such a homey feel! It was perfect mix between indoors and outdoor fun! After eating we got to the planting, getting our hands dirty and using all types of random things to help us along, including spoons as mini shovels!

For desert I made a dirt cake of course!!! And i made it vegan and gluten free, with vanilla and chocolate pudding made with chocolate almond milk, raspberries and blueberries inside. For the top I grabbed some Nasturtium from my back yard to add some color, and spice ;) My roommate Alise made some incredible homemade bread, hummus, and pesto, while everyone else brought some drinks and wine, and everyone got stuffed on yumminess.

I really had an amazing time and have loved hosting these couple ones. It was awesome having people mingling and meeting and making new connections. After being out here for almost two years, and initially concentrating on finding a good job, I really now feel like I'm starting to get a hang of thing out here and making some great friends. I hope craft nights will keep continuing and become a regular thing at my house and hopefully other houses! Now I just need to figure out the theme of the next Ladies Craft Night!

And here's my tired, silly face with my terrarium. :)


  1. What a fun get-together idea with friends!!! they all look beautiful!

  2. Nope, not jealous at all! Except I am. I maybe have 1-2 friends who would be into this, none of the others would. Lame. :(


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