20 March 2013

Veronica Mars NERD!

Ok so I'm sure many of you guys already know this, I mean hell I already pledged money this weekend... But you guys. You guys. VERONICA MARS MOVIE!

UG, I'm so excited I could pee.

Who do you want to be the love interest? Better not be Piz!



  1. If its not Logan I'm just going to see it like 10 times. If it IS Logan, I will see it at least 15. LoVe FOREVER. (Yea...I read the fanfic, and surprisingly there's some really good stuff out there)

  2. Oh hell yes I've read the fanfic... I definitely need to re-watch the seasons!!

  3. Yeah I need to watch this show now between you and my friend Sara.

  4. I loved Veronica Mars.

    Who was the guy doing puppets and who was the blond guy in that video? (character names or real names)

  5. Veronica Mars is the only show I've watched more than once. Granted I didn't watch the last season twice but that's still more than any other show.

  6. I could have probably looked at IMDB for Veronica mars and jogged my memory and figured it out but I would have still been a bit curious if I was right so that's why I asked.

    I should just rewatch the series. Too bad you can't stream it on Netflix.


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