18 January 2013

New Diet

New Year.

So one thing I have determined to try is adopting a gluten free lifestyle this year. 2012 was a year of a lot of health issues that are still continuing, so I'm drawing inspiration from my sister and mom. My sister has been gluten free for two years now and it has helped a ton with many of her health issues. My mom has been grain free for about a year after the suggestion from her chiropractor, and she has noticed a big difference in her health as well. Since many of my own health issues appear to be hereditary, I'm giving it a go with encouragement from my family and coworkers. I'm sure I'll slip up, but I'm really going to try. I'm going to miss bread baskets and beer, but I'll just load up on potatoes, wine and gin and tonics. Thank goodness I'm making a bunch of infused vodka's this weekend with all ingredients picked from my houses garden. One thing is I'm going to have to find a good pizza dough recipe, or this pizza monster will be sad. 

Lucky me, the grocery store near my work is having a 20% off gluten free products this week. I stocked up.

So this will be a challenge… I mean my aunt and uncle owned a bakery, and I worked in a bakery selling yummy breads for years. I'm a bread fiend, and so is my guy… So many temptations will surround me, but I will try.

1 comment:

  1. i have celiacs so i totally understand how you and your family feel. i've been off gluten for 2 years and it has made ALL THE DIFFERENCE. i hope you feel the same after adopting this new lifestyle. and really, once you start to feel better, you won't crave it so much anymore. but if you find a good pizza crust recipe please pass it along!! every one i make is terrible!


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