01 December 2012

Halloween Apollo Series

WHOA, super late post. But I HAD to post my halloween costume. This year I finally dressed up as something I have wanted to for years. My initials are L.E.M. and the nerd that I am the LEM is also the Lunar Excursion Module. So obviously I had to dress up as that. It's so clear. I started the week before Halloween building my "helmet" and the day before building my moon body. And of course a certain boy didn't have a costume so he inquired "Can I be the Command Module?". Of course we ended up having the best costumes at my friend Jim's party and got a lot of "docking" jokes. Not to mention the Bart ride there in a packed train car with somewhat still wet paint on our costumes was very interesting, especially when the train jolted and I fell into Mike's costume and all the passengers had to pick me up as if I were a turtle stuck on it's back flailing around.

And when I wore my costume to work, I am proud to say I won most creative costume, everyone loved the details like Neil Armstrong on my should with the US flag, and of course the back side of me was just black for the dark side. I still have my moon, I'm thinking about hanging it on my ceiling, and my excursion module is safe on my desk at work.

Oh and sorry the scale of the two modules is a bit off :)


  1. Holy crap haha this is the BEST COSTUME EVER!! And also best couples costumes!! You crack me up, this is amazing.

  2. HEHEHE I adore it!!!


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