12 January 2012

Where I've Been: Mt. Diablo

So yeah I know I said that I was going to post about my Christmas and New Years... But eh. I had fun this weekend. I have unfortunately (or fortunately) between my two jobs been uber busy. So on my only day off this week me and buddy Mike, nursing a hangover, decided to go to Mt. Diablo State Park. It's the highest peak west of the sierra nevadas, and you can see the entire bay, including the golden gate bridge and the farallon islands.


So we drove up to the park, and it's surprisingly close to Oakland, and you can drive all the way to the 3800ft summit. We totally thought there would be walking but were super happy to find there wasn't. I think when it gets a bit warmer we're going to try to do the hike!


There were so many interesting trees and massive pinecones, and as you can see it was super super windy. At a few moments I thought I'd be blown over! Mike and I hiked down the mountain path a bit just to get a feel for how hard it was and man was it steep! I was walking in front of Mike for awhile until I realized if he fell he'd totally take me out. So for safety I hiked the rest of the way down behind him.


At a point we came to a beautiful landing just a tad below the summit, it had amazing views and I'd have loved staying there for the sunset but we had to get back to my car at the top. The park closes soon after sunset and there are warning signs that you'll be locked in the park if you don't get out in time!


Look we're at Endor hanging with the Ewoks! The top of the summit totally looks like it's from Star Wars.


And there you have it. Awkward photo of us before heading back down the mountain. It was an amazing sunset, and I'm sad I didn't get to see the sun go all the way off the horizon, but I'm happy I didn't have to drive down the mountain in the dark! I think there will definitely be a camping trip there in my future!



  1. looks lovely! reminds me of all the hiking trips my boyfriend and i used to take back when we lived in portland...

    i'm hoping to do a big road trip this summer (crossing my fingers that i'll get some money back from the gov't this tax season!) and these are exactly the sorts of days i have in mind!

  2. This is so beautiful...love your photography! I found your blog through Justice Pirate and am very glad I did...love your writing and your pics. Following!

    <3 Cambria

  3. I'd love to live on Endor if it were truly a real place. . but you sorta found it, so I guess it is!!


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