11 October 2011

What I Got: Alameda Flea & Estate Sale

Last Friday my friend Zoe and I drove to the hills in Berkeley for a large estate sale! It was really fun because Zoe is a comrade when it comes to loving vintage and having such cute knick knacks in her home. So naturally we had loads of fun. I held onto my wallet so I wouldn't spend too much, since I'm on a freelancers budget now. But I was able to score a cute german pin, a Michigan shaker, a black and white polka dot skirt, and a teal 50/60's mad men-esque wiggle dress with pockets.

On Saturday the girls and I hung out in SF and eventually made it to Japantown for sushi and ice cream!!


Then Sunday was the epic, Alameda Flea Market. I have never been and sadly everyone was busy, so little ole me made her way through the stacks of treasures to find two of her own. Two 50's dresses. One, which is sadly too small for me in the ribcage, is a beautiful blue and green water print, with shoulders that tie together. And it fits Marlee beautifully! The other is a sheer white dress with gray and teal polka dots, and the cutest collar. I found them at some guys booth in wads underneath a bunch of other crap. The sheer dress was terribly stained with dust and dirt and so I was able to talk the guy down. After washing both of them well they are all shiny and new! Now I just have to find buttons for the sheer dress!



1 comment:

  1. I so would have come to the Flea market with you! I haven't heard of that one. Unfortunately, I'm only staying in SF until Saturday... my trip was just a month long. What are you doing in San Fran? Hope you're enjoying it! Yesterday, I walked in the rain for almost 10 hours... I can feel a cold coming on now!

    You found some awesome dresses there :) xxx


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