07 October 2011

Out West: Day 8

By the last day Lee and I were pooped out. So most of the day was just driving so we could get to my new home! After leaving the KOA we drove through the scenic route of the redwoods national and state parks, and sadly they don't have a sign to dance in front of :( We stopped a few times to marvel at the trees but again sadly we were tired and didn't have time to go on any hikes.


The drive down the coast in the morning was incredible to see the fog roll in from the Pacific... and at certain areas it was almost white out conditions with the visibility! But again we felt as though we were in the Lord of the Rings books!


We did get to meet Paul Bunyan and we all had a great conversation about how he made the great lakes! Seriously, the statue moved and talked... yep. It was AMAZING! And they had the best gift shop full of ridiculousness!


Ah the redwoods were so incredible! It was hard to really just take in what you were looking at. And throughout the entire drive there were redwoods you couldn't get away from them towering above you! Even the clover was giant!

We got to Oakland in the early evening and after some rest we went out to the bar, I had fun but was quite a zombie.


On Saturday Lee and I were lazy around the house but drove into the city to walk with the dog around Golden Gate Park for a bit then drive around, touched the Pacific ocean (Lee's first time!) and quickly saw the Sutro Baths. We were too tired to do much of anything else but enjoyed my first family dinner with my 4 new roommates! Then we met up at the bar with my good college buddy Jim and new friend Mike, but the night was an early one cause Jim had to Bart it back into the city. It's so annoying that the last bart train is at 12:30a... AH! Drinking in the city is always cut short!

Lee left Sunday morning back to Detroit and left a sad Lauren and sad Tripp... But we have great photos and memories! Bickering and dancing! Wide eyed and scared! Ooooos and Ahhhhs! to remember this epic trip together.

Anyway so there you have it. Next you will see clothes... what? Yep I still am taking pictures of what I wear.



  1. Woot woot! I want that Paul Bunyan.

  2. So we're going to get together now that we live in the same town(ish).

    I <3 blogger friends!

    I <3 friends from Ohio!


  3. So we're going to get together now that we live in the same town(ish).

    I <3 blogger friends!

    I <3 friends from Ohio!


  4. I always wonder if Paul Bunyon was real or truly just a legend. So interesting. Love these trees and want to see them one day!


Hey thanks for commenting!! I really love hearing what you think!
