08 September 2011

Guest Post: Amber Blue Bird

Hello fellow Sparrow & Urchin readers.  My name is Amber from the world famous blog Amber Blue Bird and I will be your host for the day while Lauren and Tripp are off on their big adventure.  When I first stumbled upon Lauren's blog it quickly became evident that we shared many of the same loves including pretty clothes and our adorable pups...we also share a love for porch slides, but that's for another time.  My adorable pup is that "little" guy below who was bestowed with the name of Oliver a.k.a. fat hobbit.  While this guy has been on many adventures with my husband and I including a cross country trip in a less than reliable vehicle during storm season, he loves nothing more than to get outside for a nice long walk.  He isn't picky with the destination as along as there are plenty of things to sniff out and grass to go potty on.  This particular day we took him to a secluded park so he could feel like a king roaming the grounds of his isolated estate and also because his mom still gets butterflies when people stop and stare while she is trying to take photos so a sequestered park is ideal for a photo shoot.  Oliver really is a ham, but he has a hard time sitting still so getting these photos was more than challenging.  Ninety percent of the photos consisted of Oliver dragging me around the park trying to locate some new scent.  He's not the crunchiest chip in the bag, but I love him to pieces.

And in honor of Lauren's series "Tripp On Things", here is Oliver....on a whale. Top that Lauren!  :)


Amber Blue Bird


  1. Such a brilliant post and Oliver is adorable:)Wish you both a great Thursday. Kisses

  2. Looky looky - a blue bird sitting on a blue whale! I've always said that you're outstanding in your field, Amber Blue Bird, and in these pictures you're outstanding in your field with your pup. Green is your color. So is blue, red, yellow, orange, pink, purple, brown, black, white and (my favorite) transparent. Yay Oliver! Yay Amber Blue Bird!

  3. Aww, Amber, what a cute post!! I am simultaneously in love with your dog and your outfit! :-)

  4. Oh I think I need an Oliver. xoxoxo

  5. Oliver on a whale...too cute!!

    Your outfit is perfectly stylish and comfy!

    Lidi @ Eclectic Flair

  6. you too are so cute! you should talk about oliver aka fat hobbit on your blog more often, maybe incorporate him more in your outfits ;)

  7. I have a cat named Oliver! I love that name for a pet. He's a cutie too :)

  8. awww, you two are so cute!! is oliver a puggle?

    Chic on the Cheap

  9. Hi Oliver!:D

    Sweet and clever post, Amber.;D

    ***** Marie *****


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