30 August 2011

What Have I Been Up To?

Sorry for the absence... but I've been super busy preparing for my move across country on FRIDAY! I can't believe it's here! Next week I'll be camping with my best friend Lee as we make our way across the country ending in Oakland where I get to become a Californian! AH!

So lately I've just been spending time with friends and family and spent my last midwest Saturday night in Detroit with my friends surrounding me. It was awesome. Here are some snippets of the past week, including hanging with my nephew and family and watching my sister race!

I have some details about my trip planned with inspirational outfits to go along with the sights! I don't plan on dressing up too much for the trip since most of my clothing is all packed up and doesn't lend well to driving for hours and hiking. But I have some wonderful post lined up for some amazing ladies and their four legged friends that I'm sure Tripp will even be jealous of. Until then here is a new Tripp on Stuff post (make sure to follow it on tumblr! I just changed the addy)

ALSO, to keep up to date with my travels, I'm now on Instagram (sparrow_urchin), and of course gotta love my Twitter (@moyerdestroyer)!!!



  1. looks like you have been having a lot of fun with your family and friends. Best of luck with the move.

  2. OH wow. your sister races?!?! that's amazing. and you have a very sweet little nephew there. how cute. I had no idea you had a sister!


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