12 August 2011

Auf Wiedersehen Little Mitten

These are my favorite shots from my going away party (even though I was in Michigan the next weekend haha)

The party was spectacular. Friends from old, new friends, and work friends all gathering around drinking and partaking in shenanigans together. Including moving my friends scooter and taking pictures on it. Fun night was had by all, and the morning followed with breakfast and... ahem drinking some beer left over to get us ready to start packing my belongings up.

I absolutely love the people here I have befriended, loved, and held dear here in Michigan. These friends are going to be there for eternity. And even though I've made such wonderful new friends and rekindled friendships this summer, I must move on. And I'm excited for when I can visit my friends and they visit me.

This year has been quite bittersweet. It started out beautifully and then came crashing down. But in that turmoil I began to build myself back. And now I'm so excited for my new life and am laughing everyday. Some people ask if I feel I've dodged a bullet, but in all honesty I loved my life then, and I love my life now. I have an opportunity to live a new life, and am so excited for it.

I love my friends so much, and am going to miss them incredibly.



  1. Aww, it looks like you had a blast. It's always hard to leave your friends, isn't it? I wish you the best of luck, girl!!


  2. it looks like you were surrounded by some pretty awesome folks. best of luck with the move.

  3. Aww, it looks like you had a great going away party! It's wonderful that you've met so many great people while living in the mitten!
    Also, I just wanted to say that I really admire you. Bouncing back from any sort of end to a relationship is not easy, but you seem to be doing so well and living your life in the best way. Moving out to San Francisco/the bay area is a dream of mine, so I wish you luck on your move and everything :)

  4. Hahaha, the fourth picture down of Tripp is hilarious! I'm going to miss you lady, but we'll definitely visit you when we get out to California!

  5. Good luck out in Cali Lauren! Glad all your friends were able to join in bid you farewell properly! :)


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