01 June 2011

Where I've Been: Ohio

A couple weeks ago I went down to Ohio to hang out with my mom who had the weekend off and get my car fixed. Saturday morning Tripp and I got up early and took a long walk through Hills & Dale park that behind my mom's house. I grew up in those woods and recently the cities redid the park and added some nice trails and a lake. It's really nice now, but sometimes gets crowded... It used to be the park of me and my friends, no one else would be around. I'm happy they fixed the park up but of course the nostalgia of what it was is now gone.

And just so you know I love taking pictures of Tripp on top of things... So be prepared for more pictures like this. It all started in Louisville when I put him on a statue, since then I've been obsessed. It's just so darn cute.
One of the mansions in my hometown... they have pet swans... yeah. swans.

The watertower by my mom's house, it makes a funny noise when you throw stones at it, and I think it looks like something from the old suerman cartoons, like the really old ones by MGM.

Tripp sitting on my mom's front porch... Soooo cute.


  1. looks like you grew up in an picture perfect setting. I have only been to Ohio once when my husband and I were driving cross country. It was a bad experience. Our hotel was basically a pit stop for truckers and hookers and maybe coke addicts. Scary. Needless to say we didnt stay the night their. :)

  2. Your mom has such a lovely front porch!


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