13 June 2011

What I Wore: Bday Celebrations

Birthday celebrations had this weekend! First the Matinee Manitees (what I'm calling me and my friends who have started going to matinees at the new movie theater two blocks away) saw Super 8, which was awesome!!!!!! I of course being from Dayton, OH was super excited because I thought it was going to be about how it's rumored that the area 51 aliens are kept at a secret building in Wright Patt Air Force Base (right outside of Dayton) and the movie is about Air Force cargo being taken to WPAFB holding something.... Ah I was so excited! I have to say at first I was apprehensive but as soon as I let go of my initial ideas about the movie I realized how much I liked it. Gave me a hankering to watch Close Encounters real bad... That movie is spectacular.

Later that night the gang hung out at the Loving Touch pool hall, drank some beers, played pool, and of course the bday boys had their shots. Fun had by all... And I got to dress summery! I did though wear a brown blazer with this outfit. I had to wear some type of tights too (I have nude fishnets on) because I'm not use to how short these shorts are!! Still am weirded out by exposed skin in the summer, don't you hate that how you are used to being covered for months then you have to let you skin see the light... ah!

{ Materials Used }

Blouse } Original Penguin
Shorts } AA
Belt } Anthro
Shoes } Anthro, on sale



  1. It sounds like you had a blast this weekend! And your outfit is pretty great. I'm crazy about anything with a low back like that, and kudos on the shorts. I finally caved and bought a rust-colored pair, and I need to be brave and wear them out. (I don't know why I feel self-conscious in shorts that are only a couple inches shorter than some of my skirts.)

  2. Beautiful necklace + belt! xx

  3. I can't wait to see that movie - and I love all your photos...the outfit is awesome!

    xoxo ~ Courtney

  4. we were offered a free viewing of Super 8 but we can't find a way to do it because we'll need sitters and only really have one person who does that and they will be too worn out to do it during the weeknight that it is on. :( I am glad you had a great weekend! I really want to see that movie.

  5. i cannot WAIT to see that movie!!

  6. Love your outfit. It kinda reminds me of the chorus girl rehearsal outfits that you see in the old musicals.
    I hope to see Super 8 this week. Actually I'll be nerding out on movies this week cause I'll also be seeing the new X-Men movie and the special Lord of the Rings screening tomorrow.

  7. Yeah, I'm kind of like that about shorts as well. I guess this is why many times I'm still apt to wear tights under them..hehe. Sounds like you had the perfect evening. You look stunning. I am in love with how you paired up your peach blouse and gray-blue shorts with the red shoes. Such a perfect color combo.

  8. The blouse is a beauty. I really like how low cut it is in the back.

  9. You looked so lovely here, such a great summer outfit! I'm glad you liked super 8 I'm really excited about it and can't wait for it to hit cinemas here in Norway. I watched Paul over the weekend and just loved it - soo funny! Glad you had a great weekend and yes all of a sudden exposed skin is a bit aah-indusing! xo

    ps. glad the package arrived safe and sound :D

  10. I could never pull this look off, as I am a chunker. You look SO CUTE & vintage.

  11. I specially love the back of your top, so cute and sexy in a demure way!

    Lidi @ Eclectic Flair


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