07 June 2011

Tripp Tuesday: Tripp on Stuff

For this Tripp Tuesday I direct you to his new tumblr: Tripp on stuff.

It's an informational blog where Tripp sits on things that you could trip on. So that you are aware of the dangers of tripping. No one wants a broken hip here.

Huggles and Safe Walking,
Lauren and Tripp


  1. hey girl, the link picture isn't showing up for me (that might just be my computer though?). also i loveee tripp on stuff. i especially like the one of him on a horse, hilarious.

    also, i have the pillow that's featured in "tripp on a chair" :)


  2. This makes me laugh everytime I see it. Such a great pun! It's almost like you named your dog just for this feature.

  3. HAHAHAHAHA you just made me laugh out loud. thank you :)

  4. that is too funny! You really do like taking your pups pic on top of things :) I wish my pup would stand still for a photo.


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