20 May 2011

Events While I've Been Away

If you guys follow me on twitter you might've noticed at the end of April I was traveling. Well I have to say that trip was amazing and a great get away from my lonely flat.

My dad since he retired, has been working with vintage race bikes, racing them, fixing them, etc. Well he was racing until he got into a bad accident and my sisters, stepmom, gma, and I all decided he wasn't allowed to race anymore (he's surrounded by women). So now he participates in pit duties and transporting his friend's race bikes around the country during racing season. So every year he flies out to San Fran and drives the van full of bikes back to Ohio.

This year I decided to go with him. I also happened to give me the opportunity to spend quality time with my best friend from Jr. High Marlee, along with a great CCS friend Jim Sean. And of course hang out in SF! I haven't been there in almost three years! So while my dad was attending a race in the Mojave desert over the weekend I got to spend gobs of time with some of my favorite people. Which is just what I needed.

So behold some awesome pictures that I stole from friends!!! (I didn't have my camera card until the drive home. Which will be in the next post )

We found sparkles for days...


Dismount of shoes... love these shoes but they can only be worn for so long (luckily I brought flats)

(photos from Raphaelle)

So we went out on friday night for a girls night, the night started with photobooth pictures, and ended in sparkles and burritos. All was great.

Mountain View Cemetery with awesome views of San Fran from Oakland

Hanging out in Washington park

City scenes

Sutro baths

New favorite picture 

Humza (fellow CCS alum) and I walking to the ruins

(photos from Marlee)

It only took Marlee years for this photo-op
(photo from Humza)

Proof of my ability to look exactly like my mom, and to make awful faces.

The rest of the weekend was fun in the sun with Marlee, walking around Oakland, then being touristy together in San Fran, drinking with Jim Sean and friends, looking at books, sitting in parks, and of course more photobooth pictures...

I loved it.

I will post photos from the drive back to ohio!!! I had a camera card by then!!!



  1. Lauren, I was wondering about those random Twitter updates! How fun!! I can't wait to see more pics :)

  2. These pictures are beautiful! Looks like a great time. I want to move to California right this second! Jon and I are thinking about moving to Berkeley instead of San Diego (it seems to be better fit for us), but it's further away from LA. Decisions decisions! (Also those shoes and green tight are amazing!)

  3. Seems like you had a lovely time lauren. Loving all the photos especially the photobooth ones.

  4. long time no see. Looks like you have been a busy bee. These pics are great, love the shot of the dance party.

  5. Sounds like a fun adventure. I've never been to California and would especially love to go to San Fran. The city scenes, burritos, and wonderful vistas make it all the more enticing. You look absolutely radiant and gorgeous in that photo where you're wearing the peacock blue coat and smiling. Glad to see you having fun.

  6. oh wow. these are great pictures and that seems so cool that you got to spend time with your dad like this too, as well as friends of old!!


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