27 May 2011

At Work: The Tutu Series

Two weeks ago on the 13th I curated a show at my gallery!

"the Tutu series: past and present works by Lenore Gimpert"

Lenore is one of our local regular artists whom the design community adores. Her work is seen all around the Detroit area as well as the Caribbean, NYC, and the north-east. I decided a couple months ago to throw together a show and try to get new people into the showroom. I was pleased with the turnout, and we had great food, and of course for her french inspired art we had pink champagne and macaroons! yum yum!!

And of course I also had to dress ballerina-esque! Too bad I forgot my pointe shoes. :)

I also designed all the posters, postcards, and tags; wrote the press releases and managed the social media outlets... The hardest part was my trip to San Fran was the week before the opening. So I had a week to paint and fill in all the holes in the main space in the showroom and hang everything. We had 29 of her pieces, as well as rehanging other rooms in the gallery to make everything flow together. It was a crazy week! But ending it eating treats and drinking champagne was worth it.

{ Materials Used }

Leotard } American Apparel
Skirt } Vintage Dress, will be for sale in my Etsy shop soon!!
Heels } Gifted from Kristina
Belt } Urban Outfitters
Necklace & Bracelet } F21



  1. What a great event you put together. Everything looks so wonderful and you looked lovely! Well done lauren :)

    ps. I'm kinda wishing I could jump in these photos!

  2. I love the pastels in this outfit, the mint ice cream green and the cotton candy pink. They play off each other well.

    Congrats on curating show, it looks great! You've must've picked up or gotten to use a lot of valuable skills during that show. And the macaroons are a nice touch. YUM!

  3. I would have loved to see that exhibit. I have always had a fascination with ballerinas....I also wanna wear a tutu everyday of my life

  4. Your outfit looks so lovely!!! Also I love all the pieces of art that are displayed!

  5. I love that your outfit resembles what a ballerina would wear! That must have made the art that much more realistic :)

  6. Wow! Very impressive! It looks like it turned out lovely. It must've taken a lot of hard work and dedication to pull it all together. It must be exciting to be so involved in something so neat!

  7. Oh, I just tried to add you to gmail chat, not sure if I did it right though lol!! If you have some sort of request from Mona, that's me :)

  8. I'd love to be surrounded by art like that all the time!


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