04 February 2011

Day 1 & Participation

I have been "style" blogging for almost a year and have followed Kendi's blog for most of that year I watched as she started the 30x30 challenge and always wanted to try it for myself. To push myself in style. So here is my first day, a couple days late.

But I have to say that this weeks FBFF questions fit perfectly with my mindset this week. I've only recently started participating in events, even though I don't have the time to really follow up on them and garner recognition from them. I have blogged for a long time (before this here blog!), and have watched people start events and never felt sure enough in myself to participate and put myself more "out there". Which is why I decided to answer this weeks questions. I have been a member of FBFF since around it's inception, but acted as a ghost mainly just enjoying responses to the questions and never speaking up. I've always been afraid that my poor writing would reflect my intelligence. I went to an art school and never had a formal liberal arts department, so I know that my writing skills are somewhat sub par to the multitude of professional writers creating intriguing blog-icles (blog articles, like what I did there, haha). My writing is very informal and may not be very engaging but I never to claim to be a writer.

So enough with my long winded whine about my writing skills... I decided to put myself "out there" and answer this weeks FBFF questions... Writing mistakes and all.

1. With all the blogging events out there how do you determine which
ones to participate in and which ones to avoid?

I determine if I'll have fun with them. I've tried many times to get myself involved but it has failed on most accounts. I have a full time job, and am a freelance illustrator so I don't have the luxury of being consistent at all with style blogging... I'm even worse with my art blog, and my works blog... And those are my everyday activities! My first even I participated in was small, my neighbor, friend, and fellow blogger started a clothing swap between us and two blog friends in australia. It was purely for fun and we didn't seek to garner attention from it. The second participation was Dressember. I heard about it from a friend and thought that it would be fun. I have a ton of dresses that I felt I often looked over and didn't wear because I was lazy. I have to say that it was hard because of the holidays and I was working on grad school applications. I got burnt out fast. And participated everyday but two. Even though I was burnt out I was proud of myself for keeping to the challenge. I also decided to try the 30x30 challenge mainly to force myself to wear some favorite articles that I never wear. I don't know whether or not I will succeed but I do want to challenge myself. And lastly I thought that answering these questions would be a great way to introduce myself as a participator in the FBFF group.

2. Be honest, have you ever jumped on the bandwagon of some blogging
movement/event for the wrong reasons? How did that turn out?

I can say that I haven't. Of course when you participate you try to make new connections with other participants, but I really haven't made many crazy/cool connections through it. I have not become "famous" nor have I gotten tons new readers. The main way that I've made connections was through good ole' communication and not many fashion movement/events.

3. How do you give your own flair to a blog event while still
maintaining the general mission and purpose? 

Well I don't try to be anything on this blog. I started this blog years ago for myself and Kevin but changed it as a way to challenge myself to dress for the job I got a year ago. I became a gallery director at 24 and felt that I needed to start holding more of a presence in my wardrobe then looking like a poor art student. So I started outfit shots as a challenge. I never forced myself to only post outfits, I always posted what I'd like. I really don't mind my smaller readership, because if they don't like seeing posts from my trips and gallery then they aren't the right reader for me. I feel that my art and my mind give my blog it's own flair. :)

4. When determining the best content for your blog what criterion do
you keep in mind?

I really don't determine... I just post. If people don't like it they don't comment, oh well. I don't judge what I enjoy at the time or want to post. That's why sometimes I post once a week to twice a day. I post when I want and what I like. This is a journal to me, not a business.

5. While everything will not suit your blog, how do you try and
support your fellow bloggers who are participating in something
worthwhile but not your style? 

I try support through comments and encouragement. Although I am quite awful at commenting on other blogs I feel that my readership and good thoughts still count. Putting positive energy into the air is good, and I think they receive it. I am trying to participate in more blogs by sharing my thoughts with the authors but I know that will be a challenge for me (I read blogs mostly on my iPhone, and you can't comment, sad face)

Thanks for the questions FBFF (fashion blog friend friday)

{ 30x30 Materials Used }

Sweater } Incognito
Blouse } Vintage, via Lost & Found
Skirt } Vintage, via Lost & Found
Shoes } UO, on sale
Knit Beret } Vintage, via my mom
Tights } HUE, via Kohls



  1. I love this outfit!! gorgeously retro, and the chartreuse tights are like a kinky little surprise, haha :D

  2. I think you did a fine job answering these questions, you shouldnt be at all shy about your writing skills. They really are quite good. :)

  3. I am an English teacher. There is NOTHING wrong with your writing skills and EVERYTHING right about your creativity.

    This skirt is wonderful...I like how you've styled it here, but I can think of about a zillion ways to style it.

  4. What a wonderful outfit! I love the floral detailing on your sweater and the pattern on your skirt :)
    Don't be worried about your writing skills, I think the writing on your blog (and in the answers to these questions) is just swell :)

  5. Firstly, you look lovely in that outfit. The fullness of the skirt and the print are amazing. I've seen lots of other bloggers doing the same challenge and it something I want to try, but I'm still on the fence about it. I think I need to sort out my wardrobe first...

    Secondly, great job answering the question, your writing skills are beyond sub-par!

    Have a great weekend, and thanks for the lovely comment :)

  6. Your writing skills are great! And may I say, many bloggers have terrible grammar, it's nice to read something that is both thoughtful and coherent.

    I also really like the outfit a lot. (bah, redundancy, now I am judging my own writing with each sentence). Anyhow, I love the long skirt and the beautiful blouse, and the whole mix is very creative.

  7. I love this outfit Lauren! All that grey and the splashes of warm colour :) It's gorgeous. As is that skirt in particular - wow! Oh and the artist cap just tops it off! Exclamation mark overload!!!!!

    You look beautiful.
    Can i ask what font you used on 'day' and on yours and Sara's clothing site? I am a font fanatic and must have it. :p

  8. yay, you answered! Now I have to do more outdoor pics! I really love your answer, your writing is great, nothing at all to worry about!

  9. You do a great job with the encouraging other bloggers. I approve at least hehe. This outfit is gorgeous. My favorite out of the ones you've posted yet for this 30x30 (since i'm so behind in blog reading).


Hey thanks for commenting!! I really love hearing what you think!
