21 January 2011

Mimicking the Masters } Are Bowties Cool?

Why yes they are. And you know who is the purveyor of that coolness? Meg.

So I've been lame with taking pictures of myself I know... but to get me back in the swing of things I thought I'd dress like my blog friends and/or real friends. So here's my best Meg!

Comfy crop sweater... Check!
Cutesy scarf hood... Check!

Sweet necklace... Check!
Skirt... Check!

Boots (even though she doesn't show them much)... Check!

And now silly face.... Check! Oh I'm sorry that's more scary.

So what do you think? Did I do my best Meg? And sorry I look mopey and tired, this was at night after a retirement party... that kevin and I were late too :( stupid snow! The dog was not amused.

{ Materials Used }

  Scarf } UO, on sale
  Sweater } UO, on sale
  Necklace } F21, old
  Skirt } Vintage
  Tights } Kohls
  Boots } Vintage



  1. Excellent choice for inspiration! :)


  2. Has she seen this yet? Oh goodness she is an inspiration and you are so cute with how you tried to mimic her!! Adorable - both of you!

  3. these pics are so cute I love the knee high socks! xx

  4. your cropped striped sweater is awesome! i really like how you took goofy photos to show all the pieces of your outfit. maybe i should start thinking of my outfit photos as an outlet for silliness! :)

  5. Aw, this is cute! Great inspiration and great imitation.


Hey thanks for commenting!! I really love hearing what you think!
